Stirrings and Wirings

What with a global pestilence, and given that Rose and Wanderingman live in different continents, opportunities to perambulate have occurred with vanishing frequency during the 2020s. One futile attempt in 2022 resulted in no more than a 4km wheezy clomp around a French hillside before Rose was confined to barracks. A catastrophic series of multiple quarantine periods followed.

The year 2023 seemed potentially more auspicious, until Wanderingman fell victim to the surgeon’s knife, albeit one that brought feeling back to his feet and promise in the hills. A brief discussion, and the idea was mooted for a 2024 wander. But where?

A Spanish fly was planned – Rose and Co were to be feted at a wedding in Andalusia, with time to spare afterwards. An idea germinated. Something closer to home? Dave and Ann in France live not too far from pristine wandercountry. The Baltics perhaps or somewhere nearer to the centre of Europe?

What about Germany?

Great idea! Just a slight problem with the language……